1 year
365 days
1 melanoma diagnosis (Stage IIIc)
1 full-body PET scan
3 CT scans
3 MRIs
7 hours of surgery
1 primary tumor removed
17 lymph nodes removed
(5 with micro tumors)
13 oncologist visits
12 immunotherapy infusions
1 favorite aunt lost
1 dear friend lost
1 and only Flora McDog lost
1 global pandemic
1 high school graduation
5 college acceptance letters
2 major birthdays (16 and 18)
1 new solo album
120 songs in the Giant Golden Songbook
100+ Facebook live streams
Many hats tried (and discarded)
Many new friends found
Many new connections made
Many existing connections strengthened
Some connections lost
Many good days
Many not-so-good days
23rd year of laughter and love with my best friend / partner / wife
300 Years of the Marionette